Månadsläsning - januari.
I januari har jag varit riktigt dålig på att läsa böcker. En stor anledning är väl kanske att två av de böcker som jag läst var väldigt dåliga och då tappar man ju suget lite. Därför har jag endast hunnit med att läsa tre stycken.
Lästa böcker: 3
Omlästa: 0
Engelska: 3
Svenska: 0
Antal sidor: 1581
Bästa bok:

In the magical underworld of Victorian London, Tessa Gray has at last found safety with the Shadowhunters. But that safety proves fleeting when rogue forces in the Clave plot to see her protector, Charlotte, replaced as head of the Institute. If Charlotte loses her position, Tessa will be out on the street and easy prey for the mysterious Magister, who wants to use Tessa's powers for his own dark ends.
Clockwork Prince - Cassandra Clare
Blood and Ice - Robert Masello
Pegasus - Robin Mckinley
Lästa böcker: 3
Omlästa: 0
Engelska: 3
Svenska: 0
Antal sidor: 1581
Bästa bok:

In the magical underworld of Victorian London, Tessa Gray has at last found safety with the Shadowhunters. But that safety proves fleeting when rogue forces in the Clave plot to see her protector, Charlotte, replaced as head of the Institute. If Charlotte loses her position, Tessa will be out on the street and easy prey for the mysterious Magister, who wants to use Tessa's powers for his own dark ends.
As their dangerous search for the Magister and the truth leads the friends into peril, Tessa learns that when love and lies are mixed, they can corrupt even the purest heart.
Clockwork Prince - Cassandra Clare
Blood and Ice - Robert Masello
Pegasus - Robin Mckinley
